Tempstar Vs. American Standard Air Conditioners: Which Is Better?

When it comes time to replace your old, inefficient air conditioner, you’ll likely be considering the Tempstar and American Standard brands. As two of the biggest names in HVAC systems, both Tempstar and American Standard offer high-quality, reliable air conditioners.

But which one is the better choice for your home?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll compare the pros, cons, features, efficiency ratings, warranties, prices, and more for Tempstar and American Standard air conditioners. Read on for an in-depth look at how these two AC brands stack up against one another.

A Brief Comparison Table

SpecsTempstarAmerican Standard
OwnershipUnited TechnologiesUnited Technologies
SEER range14-2014-21
CompressorsMulti-speedVariable-speed AccuComfortTM
Coil designSpecial coatingsSpine FinTM
Warranties10 years (compressor, parts, coil) 5 years (labor)10 years (compressor, parts, coil) 5 years (labor)
Smart controlsSmartComfortTMAccuLinkTM
Noise levels70-78 dB70-78 dB
HVAC line-upGoodExcellent
Best forBudget-focused buyersMax efficiency and premium features

Overview of Tempstar and American Standard

First, let’s start with a quick overview of both Tempstar and American Standard before diving into the details.

  • Tempstar
Tempstar Air Conditioner

Tempstar is owned by United Technologies, which also owns well-known brands like Carrier and Bryant.

So Tempstar ACs are basically rebranded Carrier units.

This means they are built with the same high-quality components and rigorous testing as Carrier products.

Tempstar manufactures gas furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners and HVAC systems for residential and commercial use.

They focus on affordable and energy-efficient models that provide value and reliability.

  • American Standard

American Standard is also owned by United Technologies. However, American Standard positions itself as a more premium brand than Tempstar. While Tempstar is billed as a more affordable, mid-range line, American Standard markets themselves as a high-end AC manufacturer.

American Standard produces central air conditioners, heat pumps, furnaces and HVAC systems. They pride themselves on innovative features and best-in-class warranties. Their products tend to cost more upfront but promise long-term savings on energy bills.

Now that you know the basic background on these brands, let’s see how they stack up against each other in terms of features, efficiency, warranties, prices and more.

Efficiency Ratings

One of the most important considerations when selecting a new AC unit is efficiency. The more efficient your air conditioner, the lower your electricity bills will be. Air conditioners are rated by a metric called SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the SEER, the more efficient the AC.

Tempstar and American Standard both offer AC units spanning a wide range of SEER ratings. Tempstar’s lineup includes models ranging from 14 SEER to 20 SEER. American Standard has models spanning 14 SEER to 21 SEER.

So in terms of max efficiency, American Standard edges out Tempstar slightly with AC units reaching 21 SEER. However, both brands offer models at the highest government standards for energy efficiency. Any central air conditioner between 14 to 20+ SEER will be considered Energy Star certified and high efficiency.

Within both brands’ lineups, you’ll find good, better and best models in terms of efficiency. Entry-level units start around 14 SEER, mid-tier units are around 16 SEER and higher-end models reach up to 20+ SEER.

That said, efficiency shouldn’t be the only factor in your buying decision. Installation quality, features, warranties and contractor service matter too. Don’t just default to the unit with the highest SEER without considering the whole package.

Features and Technologies

Now let’s compare some of the key features and technologies offered by Tempstar and American Standard.

Tempstar AC Features

  • Multi-speed compressors: Models with multi-speed compressors, like the Tempstar Legacy Series, can closely match cooling output to your home’s demands. This improves comfort and saves energy.
  • Variable-speed fans: Tempstar’s Deluxe and Elite Series include variable-speed condenser fans. This customizes airflow for better dehumidification.
  • Coated coils: Special coil coatings protect against corrosion and enhance airflow. This boosts efficiency and durability.
  • Silencer system: Reduces operating noise for a quieter home environment.
  • Rust-resistant cabinets: Cabinets made of heavy-gauge galvanized steel prevent rust and protect components.
  • Smart electronics: Sophisticated electronic controls monitor system operation and help technicians with troubleshooting and repairs.

American Standard AC Features

American Standard Air Conditioner
  • Spine Fin coils: Exclusive manufacturing process creates smaller, smarter coil fins for better airflow and heat transfer.
  • Variable-speed compressors: Like a car’s cruise control, AccuComfortTM models automatically adjust compressor speed to match cooling demand for ultimate efficiency and comfort.
  • UltraTechTM corrosion protection: Proprietary coating shields components from corrosion and extends the lifespan.
  • DurationTM compressors: Top-of-the-line compressors engineered for reliability and performance. They come with a 10-year warranty.
  • Advanced diagnostics: Built-in electronics continually monitor the AC and can even alert homeowners about required maintenance.

As you can see, both Tempstar and American Standard offer advanced features to improve efficiency, durability, comfort and convenience for homeowners. American Standard stresses its exclusive technologies like Spine Fin coils and Duration compressors. But Tempstar also provides benefits like multi-speed components, quiet designs and smart controls.

Overall, while American Standard positions itself as the premium brand, the actual technologies and benefits are quite comparable between the two. Both offer great features.

Sound Levels

One important consideration that’s often overlooked is how much noise an AC unit produces during operation. No one wants a loud, disruptive air conditioner ruining their peace and quiet.

So how do Tempstar and American Standard compare when it comes to sound levels?

Most Tempstar AC units have sound ratings between 70 to 78 decibels. American Standard air conditioners also fall in the 70 to 78 dB range.

These are fairly average noise levels for AC units of this size and capacity. For context, 60 dB is a normal conversation, 70 dB is an average vacuum cleaner, so both brands offer reasonably quiet operation.

Some higher-end Tempstar and American Standard models include sound-reduction features like multi-speed fans, isolated compressor mounts and insulated cabinets to further minimize noise.

So noise production is pretty much a draw between these two AC brands. Both offer sufficiently quiet operation for most homeowners. Consider the sound rating when selecting a specific model, but noise won’t be a differentiating factor between the brands.


The warranty coverage is another key consideration that reflects a product’s expected quality, lifespan and manufacturer’s confidence. Let’s see how Tempstar and American Standard compare for AC unit warranties:

Tempstar AC Warranties

  • Compressor: 10 years
  • Parts: 10 years
  • Coils: 10 years

American Standard AC Warranties

  • Compressor: 10 years
  • Parts: 10 years
  • Coils: 10 years

So both brands offer the same excellent 10-year warranty coverage for the compressor, parts and coil – the most important AC components.

American Standard used to have longer labor warranties than Tempstar, but recently reduced their coverage to match Tempstar. Here are the labor warranties:

  • Tempstar: 5 years
  • American Standard: 5 years

The takeaway is that both brands provide outstanding warranties covering parts and labor for 5-10 years. This suggests a high level of promised quality and durability from each manufacturer.

Smart Home Compatibility

Smart home technology is becoming more popular, allowing homeowners to control appliances remotely using their smartphone and voice commands. If smart connectivity is important to you, what do Tempstar and American Standard offer?

Most Tempstar AC units can integrate with the brand’s SmartComfortTM control. This enables features like:

  • Remote monitoring and control
  • Adjust schedules and temperatures from anywhere
  • Real-time notifications
  • Compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant

For American Standard, the equivalent smart control system is called AccuLinkTM. It provides:

  • Mobile app for remote access
  • Voice control integration
  • Real-time alerts and monitoring
  • Schedule optimization using weather forecasts

So both Tempstar and American Standard offer excellent smart thermostat options to bring your AC into the 21st century. American Standard does have a slight edge when it comes to capabilities like weather-based optimization and geofencing, but Tempstar also provides robust smart connectivity.

HVAC System Offerings

In addition to standalone central air conditioners, both Tempstar and American Standard offer a full suite of HVAC equipment like furnaces, heat pumps and fan coils. This allows homeowners to install a perfectly matched system for maximum comfort and efficiency.

Some key HVAC products available from Tempstar include:

Tempstar HVAC
Tempstar HVAC
  • Gas furnaces: Affordable, high-efficiency furnaces ranging from 80% to 98% AFUE ratings.
  • Heat pumps: Ductless and ducted heat pump options that provide heating and cooling in one unit.
  • Evaporator coils: Compatible indoor coils that pair with Tempstar outdoor units.
  • Fan coils: Blower motors and fan blades for air circulation.

For American Standard, their HVAC product line-up includes:

  • Gas furnaces: Top-end models achieve up to 98.5% AFUE and use variable-speed motors.
  • Heat pumps: Offer both ductless and ducted systems with cold climate heat pump options.
  • Fan coils: Features like variable-speed blowers, multi-port inlets and corrosion-resistantconstruction.
  • Evaporator coils: Spine Fin technology and compatible with American Standard AC units.

So homeowners can build an entire Tempstar or American Standard HVAC system. Both provide well-designed furnaces, heat pumps, fan coils and evaporator coils to complement their AC units.

Prices and Costs

Of course, price always plays a role when comparing any major home appliance. In general, American Standard ACs tend to cost more upfront compared to Tempstar units of similar specs.

For example, here are some sample pricing comparisons for entry level 14 SEER AC units:

  • Tempstar Legacy 14 SEER AC: $2,100 to $3,000
  • American Standard 14 SEER AC: $2,500 to $3,500

And for mid-range 16 SEER units:

  • Tempstar Deluxe 16 SEER AC: $2,500 to $4,000
  • American Standard 16 SEER AC: $3,000 to $4,500

Keep in mind exact prices depend on the size (tonnage) required for your home, as well as local installation costs. But generally Tempstar units run $200 to $800 less compared to similar American Standard models.

Over time though, the higher efficiency and advanced features found in some American Standard ACs can result in energy savings that offset the higher upfront cost. But Tempstar tends to be the more budget-friendly option.

Tempstar And American Standard: Which Is Better For You?

Now that we’ve compared these two AC brands in depth, let’s summarize the key differences that may help sway your final decision:

Reasons to Choose Tempstar

  • More affordable upfront costs
  • Slightly wider range of efficiency ratings available
  • Excellent warranties and quality components
  • Advanced features like multi-speed compressors

Reasons to Choose American Standard

American Standard HVAC
American Standard HVAC
  • Highest max SEER rating reaches 21
  • Exclusive technologies like Spine Fin coils
  • Best-in-class warranties on par with Tempstar
  • Full suite of premium HVAC equipment
  • Remote access and smart home integration

For many homeowners, the higher cost of American Standard won’t be justified.

Tempstar provides fantastic performance, efficiency, warranties, and features at a lower price point.

For budget-minded shoppers, Tempstar is likely the better buy.

However, homeowners focused on max energy efficiency may appreciate the 21 SEER American Standard models. And if you want the absolute highest-end materials and warranties, American Standard has a leg up. Those seeking premium HVAC components may prefer American Standard overall.

Ultimately, you can feel confident choosing either of these two air conditioner brands. Tempstar and American Standard both offer excellent ACs that will provide years of comfortable, energy-efficient cooling.

By understanding the pros and cons of each, you can select the right model based on performance, features and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Still have some questions about Tempstar and American Standard air conditioners? Here are answers to some of the most common questions homeowners have when comparing these two brands.

Is Tempstar a good brand?

Yes, Tempstar is widely considered one of the best air conditioner brands. As part of the United Technologies family, it shares many design and engineering strengths with premium brands like Carrier. Tempstar offers excellent efficiency, reliability, features and warranties.

Is Tempstar owned by Carrier?

Tempstar is owned by the same parent company, United Technologies, as Carrier. Tempstar ACs are essentially rebranded Carrier units. So you can expect Carrier quality at more affordable Tempstar prices.

Is Tempstar considered a builder grade AC?

Not exactly. In the past, some builders may have opted for Tempstar units over Carrier in order to cut costs for new constructions. But Tempstar air conditioners themselves are not inherently “builder grade.” Today, they offer premium features and efficiencies on par with Carrier equipment.

Which HVAC system lasts the longest?

There is no definitive lifetime leader between Tempstar and American Standard ACs. Both are designed to last over 15 years with proper maintenance. American Standard does offer slightly longer compressor warranties, indicating confidence in longevity. But Tempstar also builds robust, sturdy AC systems designed for a long useful life. Either can be an excellent choice for long-term air conditioning.

The Bottom Line

We’ve covered a lot of ground comparing Tempstar and American Standard. Both are undoubtedly top choices in the air conditioner market. Tempstar provides time-tested quality and excellent value.

For those seeking the utmost in technological innovation, American Standard takes things to the next level.

Hopefully this detailed comparison gives you the knowledge to select the best system for your needs and budget. Investing in a new Tempstar or American Standard AC is sure to keep your home comfortable for years to come.

Ralph Wade

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