Hoshizaki Scale Away Alternatives: Are They Any Good?

Hoshizaki is one of the most popular brands for commercial ice makers and dispensers. Over time, scale buildup inside the ice maker can reduce efficiency and ice quality.

Hoshizaki Scale Away is a common cleaner designed specifically for Hoshizaki ice machines to remove limescale and other mineral deposits.

However, Scale Away can be expensive and difficult to find at times. Fortunately, there are several alternative cleaners you can use for descaling your Hoshizaki ice maker. In this article, we’ll compare Scale Away to some of the top alternative cleaners to remove scale from your ice machine.

Hoshizaki Scale Away Substitutes

  • Vinegar

One of the most readily available and affordable alternatives to Scale Away is white vinegar.

The acetic acid in vinegar breaks down mineral deposits and dissolves scale buildup.

To use vinegar, mix a solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts warm water.

Pour the vinegar solution into the water reservoir or spray it directly onto scale buildup.

Allow it to soak for 5-10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with clean water.

Vinegar is safe for most ice machine components and effective at removing light to moderate scale buildup. It’s also very inexpensive compared to commercial descaling solutions.

However, vinegar may not be as effective at removing heavier mineral deposits or scale in hard to reach areas. Prolonged contact with vinegar could also damage rubber gaskets or seals over time.

  • Citric Acid

Another common household staple, citric acid is an effective and affordable alternative to Scale Away. Citric acid naturally removes mineral deposits and has a very similar effect to vinegar when dissolving calcium carbonate scale.

Citric Acid

To use citric acid, mix around 2 tablespoons of powder per quart of warm water until fully dissolved.

Pour or spray this solution into the ice maker and let it soak for at least 15 minutes before rinsing.

For heavier scale buildup, allow the citric acid to soak for up to an hour.

Citric acid is readily available in grocery stores, safe for most ice machine components, and provides excellent dissolving power for moderate to heavy scale deposits.

It’s more effective than vinegar when descaling hard to reach areas of the machine. Citric acid also leaves behind a fresh, clean scent compared to vinegar’s pungent smell.

  • Phosphoric Acid Solutions

Many commercial ice machine cleaning products contain phosphoric acid as the active ingredient. Phosphoric acid effectively dissolves mineral deposits and removes even heavy scale buildup.

Some popular phosphoric acid based cleaners include:

  • Scotch-Brite Ice Machine Cleaner: Formulated specifically for ice machines, this cleaner quickly penetrates and dissolves scale deposits.
  • CLR Calcium, Lime, & Rust Remover: Works well for descaling and brightening ice machine interiors. Can be sprayed directly onto affected areas.
  • Lime-A-Way Calcium Lime Rust Cleaner: Loosens tough limescale, hard water deposits, and other mineral buildup. Safe for frequent use.

Follow the product instructions for dilution ratios and soaking times when using these cleaners. Phosphoric acid solutions are powerful descalers but may be harsher on internal components compared to citric acid or vinegar with prolonged exposure.

  • Lactic Acid
Lactic Acid

For a more environmentally friendly descaling agent, look to lactic acid cleaners.

Lactic acid is a mild organic acid derived from fermented carbohydrates like corn and sugarcane.

It provides similar scale removal to citric acid but is biodegradable and less toxic than traditional acid cleaners.

Popular lactic acid based ice machine cleaners include:

  • Mi-T-M Ice Machine Descaler: Biodegradable formula for removing scale and lime deposits.
  • Hydro Force Ice Machine Cleaner: USDA certified biobased cleaner safe for food equipment.
  • MC3 Ice Machine Cleaner: Uses natural lactic acid to remove mineral deposits. Leaves no chemical residue.

Lactic acid cleaners are effective on both light and heavy scale buildup. They also help prevent scale recurrence when used regularly. However, lactic acid cleaners tend to be more expensive than vinegar or citric acid solutions.

  • Deliming Powders

For heavy duty descaling, look for an ice machine deliming powder containing sulfamic acid. These powders rapidly dissolve mineral deposits and fully de-scale ice machine interiors.

Some popular options include:

  • Nu-Calgon Cal-Clean Delimer: Mix with water to create a fast acting descaling solution.
  • Diversitech HD Delimer: Heavy duty formula for removing stubborn scale deposits.
  • Hoshizaki Delimer Powder: Specifically formulated for Hoshizaki ice machines.

Make sure to carefully follow the mixing instructions when using these potent deliming powders. While very effective, they can also damage machine parts if left on too long. Thoroughly rinse components after the descaling process is complete.

  • Baking Soda

Baking soda is a mild alkali that can help loosen and dissolve scale when used along with vinegar.

Make a paste by mixing 3 parts baking soda to 1 part vinegar.

Spread the paste onto scaled areas, allow to sit for 15 minutes, then rinse.

The fizzing reaction helps dislodge stubborn deposits.

Just take care not to leave baking soda paste on metal components too long as it can etch surfaces.

  • Borax

The mineral borax contains sodium tetraborate which scrubs away scale when dissolved in hot water. Create a borax descaling solution by mixing 1 tbsp borax powder per quart of hot water until fully dissolved. Soak scaled machine parts in this solution for up to an hour before rinsing.

The heat maximizes the dissolving action. Borax is affordable, effective, and suitable for regular descaling. Rinse thoroughly as borax can leave a soapy residue if not fully removed.

  • Green Gobbler Lime Scale Remover

This eco-friendly descaler uses malic acid from fruit extracts to break down and dissolve mineral deposits. It’s biodegradable, non-toxic, and safe for septic systems. To use, dilute 1 part Green Gobbler to 4 parts warm water and circulate through the ice machine for 15-20 minutes before flushing out.

Repeat as needed for heavy scale buildup. Green Gobbler is not as potent as acid cleaners but works well for light scale removal.

  • Ice Machine Filters

Installing a filter designed specifically for ice makers can reduce scale buildup between descaling. Filters remove calcium, magnesium, and other dissolved minerals from the incoming water. This helps prevent scale formation inside the machine.

Look for filters that use a selective cold filtration process to target scale-causing minerals while retaining beneficial minerals. Combine with periodic descaling for optimal results.

  • Descaling Pumps

For commercial ice machines that are heavily scaled, a descaling pump can make the cleaning process much easier. Descaling pumps connect to the water line and deliver a continuous acid solution throughout the system to dissolve mineral deposits.

Some popular descaling pump options include:

  • Hydro Systems Descaler Pro: Pumps vinegar or citric acid solution for automatic descaling.
  • Ruby Water Descale-it: Pumps vinegar and water mix to descale and flush the system.
  • Clearwater CD-14P: Uses food grade phosphoric acid and hot water for rapid descaling.

Pumps allow you to thoroughly descale the machine without disassembly. The constant flow of descaling solution reaches all interior surfaces. Scale is dissolved quickly and rinsed away without scrubbing.

Descaling pumps do require an initial investment but save significant time and labor costs over the long run in commercial settings. They can also extend the lifespan of heavily scaled machines.

  • Frequency of Descaling

To keep your Hoshizaki ice machine operating efficiently, descaling frequency depends primarily on water hardness:

  • Soft water (0-1 gpg): Descale every 6 months.
  • Moderately hard water (1-10 gpg): Descale every 3-4 months.
  • Hard water (over 10 gpg): Descale every 1-2 months.

Check with your local water company to determine your water hardness level in grains per gallon (gpg). The more mineral content in the water, the more often descaling is needed.

For heavy ice usage, descaling every 1-2 months can help maintain ice quality and prevent scale related performance issues. Descaling kits are available as well for routine maintenance.

  • Preventing Scale Buildup

In addition to regular descaling, there are steps you can take to prevent excessive scale formation in your Hoshizaki ice machine:

  • Install a water softening system or scale inhibitor to reduce water hardness.
  • Replace water filters regularly to remove mineral particles.
  • Only use the machine with cold water lines. Hot water promotes faster mineral deposit buildup.
  • Follow Hoshizaki’s recommended cleaning procedures using Scale Away or alternative cleaners.
  • Remove scale from removable parts like evaporator plates as needed.
  • Have a water treatment professional analyze your water if scale recurs rapidly after descaling.

Taking these preventative measures will reduce the frequency of required descaling. Be sure to inspect your machine’s interior on a regular basis to check for any visible scale buildup.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What cleaner to use on a Hoshizaki ice machine?

Hoshizaki recommends their branded Scale Away cleaner. But there are several effective alternatives including vinegar, citric acid, phosphoric acid solutions, and deliming powders. Choose a cleaner based on your water hardness, scale buildup, and descaling frequency required.

Can you use lime away on ice maker?

Yes, Lime Away which contains phosphoric acid can be used to descale a Hoshizaki ice machine. Make sure to dilute it per the product instructions based on the amount of scale buildup present. Rinse components thoroughly after descaling. More frequent descaling may be needed with hard water.

What is a substitute for ice maker cleaner solution?

Good substitutes for commercial ice maker cleaner solutions include white vinegar, citric acid powder, CLR, Lime-A-Way, Mi-T-M Ice Machine Descaler, and Diversitech HD Delimer. Always follow the mixing and soaking instructions provided with the descaling product.

Can you use white vinegar to clean ice maker?

White vinegar is an effective and affordable cleaner for removing light to moderate scale buildup in Hoshizaki ice machines. Create a diluted vinegar solution with warm water, spray or pour it into the ice maker, let it soak for 5-10 minutes, and rinse thoroughly. Repeat descaling with vinegar every 3-6 months depending on water hardness.

Final Thoughts

In summary, Hoshizaki Scale Away is specially formulated to descale and clean Hoshizaki ice machines. But there are many suitable alternative cleaners for removing stubborn limescale and mineral deposits.

Citric acid, phosphoric acid solutions, deliming powders, and descaling pumps all provide effective, low-cost options for descaling your ice machine. Implementing a regular descaling routine with the right cleaner will keep your Hoshizaki machine operating efficiently for years to come.

Ralph Wade

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