Damplock Vs. Drylok Waterproofing Paint: Key Differences And Features

What do you think about waterproofing your basement walls? It can help you out a lot, right? Especially if you face damage on your basement walls because of water, it becomes necessary to waterproof it. 

However, you can’t’ use just about anything for that purpose. You will need a quality waterproofing option.

Going with a random choice will never provide you with good results. Among many different options, this competition between Damplock. vs Drylok is something to check out for sure. 

Here, I will be diving deep into the comparison so you can choose between one of them.

A Quick Comparison Table

Want to take a quick look at both options? I have got you. Here’s a quick comparison table between the two waterproofing choices for you –

Specification Damplock Drylok
Texture Matte Fine 
Cost Reasonable Affordable 
Applicable on Walls only Floor, walls, foundations 
Unit count 124Fl oz 128Fl oz
Color White White 
Weight 12.87lbs 11lbs 

Well, this was a quick view of the two different waterproofing options. But I am pretty sure you can’t’ decide on one of them based on this little information. 

So, I suggest diving into the in-depth comparison I am going through.

An In-Depth Comparison Between Drylok And Damplock 

Now, here I will compare the two choices based on the different factors. This will give you an understanding of how good or bad these waterproofing solutions are in terms of these factors. 

And it’s needless to say that you will go with the best option that serves your purposes.

  • Applying surface 
Damplock Masonry Waterproofing Paint
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There is a noticeable difference between the two options regarding application surfaces.

You can apply the Damplock to almost any kind of surface in your basement. It works on floors, retaining walls, and even foundations as well. 

So, you get good versatility in terms of the application surface on this waterproofing solution.

On the other hand, Drylok is something that you can only use on your basement walls. They aren’t intended to use on the floors. 

Is that a problem? 

Yes, it can be a problem if you are having issues with the basement floor.

Typically, when waterproofing your basement, you want to cover the walls and the floors. But it’s’ okay to avoid the floors if you are not necessarily facing issues with that.

  • Usability 

A great thing about the Damplock is that you can use it indoors and outdoors both. But with the Drylok, you are limited to indoors only. 

So, if you have to waterproof around the exterior part of your basement, then Damplock is the suitable choice for you.

Whereas, if you are looking to cover up the interior part of your basement, then you still have two choices to go with. Now, the dilemma is when you have to cover both areas.

But now that you know, Damplock works well in both indoors and outdoors; you can easily pick this one when you need to cover both areas.

  • The finish on the surface 
Drylok Waterproofing Paint

The finish you end up with on the surface after using these options is also quite different.

When you use the Damplock, the finish you get is matte. \You won’t get that shiny texture on the walls or floors. It’s’ more of a smooth matte finish.

The Drylok gives you more of a finer finish that has a little bit of shine.

While it’s’ not that prominent, it’s’ still a bit different from the Damplock.

So, when it comes to choosing one of them, you can base your decision on keeping up with this factor as well.

  • Odor control 

If odor bothers you a lot when using these solutions, you can easily choose between them because one choice has a low odor formula, while the other doesn’t have that to offer.

Enough with the suspense, Drylok comes with an odor control formula that doesn’t emit too much odor. Don’t get me wrong here; you still get a bit of odor, but that’s comparatively very low on this option.

As for the Damplock, you get a bit of odor coming from it which can bother you. Considering just the odor factor, I would say Drylok should be your clear pick.

  • Cost 

In terms of cost, one is a bit more expensive than the other. But the difference isn’t’ too much. Drylok is a bit more expensive than Damplock in. 

So, if you want to save up some money, then Damplock will be your pick for sure. Although, don’t expect to save a lot of money either.

These are some of the clear differences between the Damplock and Drylok basement waterproofing solutions. There is no clear winner between them; it still depends on your preferences.

Which Option Is Better For Your Home?

Now, let’s come to the real issue, which one should you pick for your needs? It comes down to going through the factors truly. 

If you want a low odor option, then Drylok is a better pick; it’s’ also much more eco-friendly. But if you’re going to waterproof your basement walls and floor from the inside and outside, then Damplock is the clear option to go with.

So, you will have to go with an option depending on these scenarios.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Let’s’ get through some common questions many people ask regarding these waterproofing solutions.

Is there anything better than Drylok?

If you are thinking about ease of application or vapor permeability, or even the cost, then I would say there is nothing better than Drylok. You can hardly find anything out there that’s this easy to apply.
But if you are thinking about coating quality, then there are several other options available for you.

Should you use Drylok on the basement walls?

Yes, you can use Drylok on your basement walls to provide waterproof sealing. However, they are not preferable to use on basement floors as it doesn’t’ work that well.

Does Drylok paint work?

Yes, it is quite effective with the kinds of components and formulation they use in making the Drylok. You can get a good level of waterproofing using this Drylok paint on your basement walls. But they are not effective on floors, so that’s something you need to be wary of.

Which is better Kilz or Drylok?

Drylok is a better choice when considering the pressure withstanding capability than Kilz. Drylok as the regular option can withstand about 10lbs of pressure. But if you think about the Drylok extreme, it can go up to 15lbs. Whereas, Kilz can go 12PSI at best.


If I had to summarize this, Damplock vs Drylok comparison, I would say, Damplock is a better pick on papers because you can use it indoors and outdoors. Also, it has better coverage in comparison.

However, when you think about the ease of application or the odor control Drylok is a clear pick. At the end of the day, which one you pick comes down to your personal preferences.

For instance, you may not have any issues with the odor; in that case, you can pick Damplock. Also, if you have to apply the solution on both walls and floors, Damplock is the way to go.

Ralph Wade

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One thought on “Damplock Vs. Drylok Waterproofing Paint: Key Differences And Features

  1. You have not stated which is more effective in stopping the penetration of moisture into the space, which is the primary reason one would purchase such a product. I would be using it on an interior wall.

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