CertainTeed Windows Problems: Is It Worth It?

CertainTeed windows are a popular brand of replacement windows installed in homes across North America. They offer a variety of vinyl window styles and options to suit different needs and budgets.

However, as with any product, CertainTeed windows can develop issues over time that require repairs or window replacement. This article will examine some of the most common CertainTeed window problems homeowners report, along with troubleshooting tips and solutions.

Problems With CertainTeed windows

Here is a list of those issues:

  • Foggy or Cloudy Window Panes
  • Drafts and Air Leaks
  • Difficulty Operating and Loosening Over Time
  • Condensation and Mold Between Panes
  • Vinyl Discoloration and Chalking
  • Condensation on Interior Window Surfaces
  • Noisy Windows in Windy Conditions
  • Glass Breakage
  • Hardware Corrosion
  • Warping or Bowing Window Sashes
  • Drafts Through Fixed Window Panes
  • Frequent Repainting Needed
  • Difficulties with Screen Removal and Replacement
  • Condensation Between Glass Storm Panels
  • Uneven Window Sash Movement
  • Cranks Coming Off Casement Window Hardware

Let’s talk about them in detail:

Foggy or Cloudy Window Panes

CertainTeed Windows

One of the most frequent complaints about CertainTeed windows is that the glass panes can become foggy or cloudy in appearance over time.

This fogginess is usually caused by a failure of the insulating glass seal that allows moisture to enter and condense between the panes.

Foggy window panes are not just an aesthetic issue – they also reduce the amount of natural light coming into a home.

In some cases, the window fogging may be severe enough to obstruct the view outdoors.

If you notice cloudiness or condensation developing between your CertainTeed window panes, the insulating glass seal has likely failed. This will require a full glass replacement to restore optical clarity. Contact a reputable window company to inspect the windows and provide a quote for the glass replacements.

The good news is that CertainTeed provides a limited lifetime warranty on insulating glass units, so you may be able to get new glass panes covered under the warranty if the seal failure occurs within the coverage period.

Make sure to have your windows inspected promptly when you notice any fogging issues.

Drafts and Air Leaks

Another common problem with CertainTeed windows is draftiness due to air leaks around the windows. This can especially be an issue in windy or cold weather when outdoor air infiltrates through gaps in the window construction.

Potential sources of air leaks in CertainTeed windows include:

  • Poor corner seals where the vinyl frame joints meet
  • Inadequate weatherstripping around the sash
  • Failures of the insulating glass seal
  • Cracked welds in the vinyl frame
  • Damage to the window screen or screen frame

Drafts from air leaks can make rooms feel chilly and raise heating costs. To find the source of the leaks, carefully run your hands around window frames to feel for any gaps. Also pay attention to rattling noises or fluttering curtains that can indicate air infiltration.

Fixing air leaks usually involves re-caulking or replacing weatherstripping to better seal the window. For more severe air gaps, the window may need extensive repairs like vinyl weld repairs or full frame replacement. Consult a window contractor if leaks persist after basic air sealing measures.

Difficulty Operating and Loosening Over Time

CertainTeed offers many different window operating styles – single-hung, double-hung, sliding, casement, awning, etc. Over time, homeowners may encounter issues with CertainTeed windows not opening and closing properly. Sticking windows or difficult operation can be caused by:

  • Paint, dirt buildup, or corrosion in the window tracks
  • Balance issues with the sash weight on double hung windows
  • Worn out spiral balances on single-hung windows
  • Misaligned meeting rails on sliding windows
  • Loose or damaged hardware
CertainTeed Windows

On vinyl windows like CertainTeed’s, extreme temperature fluctuations can also cause expansion and contraction that alters how smoothly the windows operate.

To troubleshoot, thoroughly clean any debris out of the window tracks and hardware.

Apply lubricant to help the moving parts glide more easily.

Check for any signs of damage to balances or hardware, and repair or replace parts as needed.

Adjusting spring tension on spiral balances can help in some cases.

For chronic operational problems, the windows may need adjustments to realign meeting rails or repair any underlying hardware issues. Contact a window pro for difficult repairs.

Condensation and Mold Between Panes

In certain conditions, moisture condensation and mold growth can occur between the glass window panes. This is different than foggy panes caused by insulating glass seal failure.

Condensation between panes often happens when there is high interior humidity. The humidity condenses on the inner surfaces of the cold window glass. Extensive or ongoing condensation can lead to mold developing between the panes.

To prevent this issue, be diligent about controlling indoor moisture levels through ventilation, dehumidifiers, and air conditioning. Make sure all bath fans are vented outside, use exhaust fans while cooking, and avoid excessive houseplants. Also keep CertainTeed windows clean and keep weeping holes clear to allow any moisture to drain out.

If the condensation between panes is severe, the air space may need to be refilled with an inert gas like argon. This requires disassembling the window sash – a job for a window professional. The gas fill helps prevent thermal convection that can draw warm interior air up to the glass surface.

Vinyl Discoloration and Chalking

The durable vinyl frames and sashes on CertainTeed windows are designed to maintain their color for a long time. However, vinyl can still experience some discoloration, fading, and chalking over many years of sun exposure and weathering.

Chalking is when the surface vinyl starts to degrade into a chalky powder. This is most common on white or light colored vinyl. The chalk rubs off easily, leaving behind a dull, blotchy appearance.

Discoloration and fading manifest as vinyl surfaces taking on a yellowish, brownish, or grayish tinge over time. This can happen on any color of vinyl but may be less noticeable with darker frame colors.

To remove mild vinyl chalking, use a multipurpose vinyl cleaning solution and rinse thoroughly. For more severe fading or discoloration issues, repainting or replacing the vinyl sashes and frame may be required. Use high quality 100% acrylic latex paint formulated for exterior vinyl.

CertainTeed offers lifetime limited warranties against manufacturing defects like peeling, flaking, blistering, and corrosion – but normal fading and weathering issues are not covered.

Condensation on Interior Window Surfaces

Certainteed double hung vinyl windows

In cold weather, homeowners may encounter annoying condensation forming on the interior side of CertainTeed windows.

This happens when warm, moist interior air contacts the cold glass surface.

Besides being a nuisance, regular condensation dripping down window panes can damage walls, wood trim, and window sills.

Controlling home humidity levels is the key to preventing wintertime condensation on windows.

Run bathroom fans, use kitchen exhausts, avoid overwatering houseplants, and use dehumidifiers to keep indoor humidity between 30-50%.

Also make sure exterior window surfaces are properly caulked and sealed so outdoor air doesn’t infiltrate and cool the window edges. Consider indoor window insulating film to keep glass temperatures warmer.

For recurring condensation problems, it may also be necessary to upgrade to newer CertainTeed windows with better insulating glass to reduce cold surface temperatures.

Noisy Windows in Windy Conditions

CertainTeed windows can sometimes become noisy and rattle in windy weather due to minor gaps in seals or loose hardware. This is especially common with casement and awning styles which have hinged sashes.

Try applying weatherstripping around any areas that seem to be whistling in the wind. Adjusting the tightness of casement hardware can also help reduce wind-related noises. Lubricating hinges and friction points allows smoother operation that’s less likely to vibrate.

Examine window screens closely and patch any perforations or gaps in the screen mesh. Old worn out screens or ill-fitting screens are prone to rattling around in their frames. Replacing deteriorated screens can cut down on wind noise.

For persistent rattling issues from drafts, inspect window seals and weatherstripping thoroughly to identify and fill any air gaps. Supplementing with foam window insulation strips may help. Contact a window pro if the noise problems still won’t abate.

Glass Breakage

Like any window product, CertainTeed windows are vulnerable to accidental glass breakage from impacts. This can happen due to things like sports balls, lawn equipment thrown debris, severe storms with hail or wind-blown objects, or burglary break-in attempts.

Glass that is damaged or fully penetrated will need immediate replacement. Make sure to vacuum up any broken glass shards. Contact a local window repair company to source replacement glass cut to the proper sizing.

For minor chips or cracks in window panes, consult a glass repair company to see if filling or sealing the glass is an option. Don’t delay repairs to prevent further cracking.

To protect against glass breakage, inspect CertainTeed windows annually and use caulk/sealants as needed to secure loose glazing putty. Consider adding protective window film or exterior storm windows in vulnerable locations. Also educate children about not throwing objects toward windows.

Hardware Corrosion

Metal components on CertainTeed windows like locksets, hinges, and handle cranks can eventually show corrosion damage from exposure to weather and moisture over many years. This is especially true in coastal areas subject to salt air.

Surface corrosion is mainly an aesthetic issue but can progress to cause hardware pieces to stick, bind up, or fail. Loose corroded sections can also allow air infiltration causing drafts.

Use emery cloth or gentle steel wool to scrape off and smooth minor areas of corrosion on window hardware. Remove crusted salt deposits with a cloth dampened in vinegar. Lubricate moving parts so they operate smoothly.

Severely corroded hardware where the metal is pitting, cracking, or seizing up will need to be replaced. Contact CertainTeed or a window contractor to source compatible new hardware components for your windows.

Routinely lubricating and protecting exterior window hardware can help prevent corrosion issues. Wipe salt accumulation in coastal regions. Apply a corrosion inhibitor spray on metal pieces annually.

Warping or Bowing Window Sashes

Vinyl window sashes are designed to hold up to sun and temperature changes. But over time, the sash frame can warp or bow inward/outward from factors like:

  • Long term sun exposure heating one side
  • Improper installation allowing the frame to sag
  • Structural settling tilting the frame
  • Temperature swings causing differing rates of expansion/contraction

Minor warping may just impede smooth window operation. But severely warped or bowed window sashes can allow air and water infiltration, along with making the windows very hard to open.

Try adjusting the balance mechanisms or tightening hardware on mildly warped windows to improve operation. For major warping issues, the sashes will need professional repair or replacement.

New replacement sashes must be properly measured and centered in the frame during installation. Proper shimming and anchoring ensures the sashes won’t sag over time.

Drafts Through Fixed Window Panes

CertainTeed windows featuring large fixed panes can sometimes allow noticeable air infiltration through the framed glass pane itself. The draft comes through tiny gaps in the seal between glass and frame.

This issue is most common with casement and awning styles that have a stationary window pane paired with side-opening sashes. Drafts primarily happen in windy conditions.

Unfortunately the gaps allowing air passage develop in the factory sealing process, so there is no easy fix. Applying weatherstripping or caulk around fixed panes rarely resolves the core issue.

For bothersome drafts through fixed panes, replacing the affected windows may be required. When installing the new windows, use generous caulk and make sure the fixed frames are oriented properly for good seals. Consult CertainTeed about warranty coverage if the issue is widespread.

Frequent Repainting Needed

CertainTeed vinyl windows are low-maintenance and never need painting. However, wood-clad windows with composite exterior frames do require periodic repainting to maintain appearance and weather resistance.

If you find your wood-clad CertainTeed windows needing frequent repainting, moisture damage or poor original paint application may be to blame. Proper surface prep and priming are essential for long lasting paint integrity.

Before repainting, inspect for any cracked caulk, peeling paint, mildew, or signs of moisture damage. Scrape and sand affected areas, then spot prime with an exterior wood primer. Finish with two coats of 100% acrylic latex exterior paint.

Ensure adequate drying time between paint coats. Follow any specific paint instructions from CertainTeed for best results. Painting when weather conditions are optimal helps the paint cure fully. Addressing any underlying moisture issues is key for paint to last.

Difficulties with Screen Removal and Replacement

CertainTeed windows feature removable screens to allow easy cleaning and seasonal swapping. But over time, plastic screen frame corners can wear out and crack. This makes screens difficult to pop in and out of the window sashes.

Trying to forcibly tug on damaged screen frames will likely cause them to crack further. Bent or broken screen corner grommets also complicate removal and installation.

Carefully inspect plastic screen frame corners and look for any cracking or degradation. If the corners are very worn, the entire screen frame will need replacement. CertainTeed sells new screen kits for installation into existing window sashes.

For screens with mild wear, apply a small bead of silicone sealant around the inside of the screen frame corners. This helps reinforce the joints for smoother screen handling without cracking. Avoid over-stressing cracked frames during removal/installation.

Condensation Between Glass Storm Panels

Adding exterior glass storm panels is a great way to boost window insulation. But in some installations, annoying condensation can develop between the main window glass and the storm panel.

This happens when relatively warm moist air gets trapped in the gap between the storm panel and the window. As interior air contacts the cold storm glass, condensation forms.

To prevent this, proper spacing between the storm panel and window is essential. Use thicker spacers and shims during installation to allow ventilation and air circulation between the glass layers. Also be diligent about home humidity control.

For existing storm window condensation, try removing the panels and cleaning all glass thoroughly before reinstalling with thicker spacers. This allows drier exterior air to circulate in the gap. Make sure the bottom gap is large enough for drainage.

If condensation issues persist, modifying the storm window install with vent holes or fans may be necessary. Otherwise, condensation between storm panels causes no long term problems beyond appearance.

Uneven Window Sash Movement

CertainTeed double hung windows rely on a balanced sash mechanism for smooth simultaneous operation of both lower and upper sashes. Over time, wear and tear can throw off the balance.

This manifests as the sashes not moving evenly – one sticking while the other moves too readily. Aging spiral balances and worn sash channels are common causes.

Try cleaning out any debris or buildup in the balance mechanisms and sash channels. Then lubricate the spiral balances with silicone spray. Open and close the sashes multiple times to distribute the lubricant.

If one sash still moves much faster than the other, the balance mechanisms likely need adjustment. This involves calibrating the spring tension on each side. Consult a window pro for proper balance adjustments to restore sync’d operation.

Cranks Coming Off Casement Window Hardware

Casement windows feature adjustable cranks that allow easy opening and closing by rotating the hardware. But repetitive use can wear out the crank attachment points.

If your casement window cranks become loose and disconnected, the openers need repair. Remove the loose cranks and inspect the gear shafts. Clean any grime out of the crank sockets then apply super glue or epoxy to re-adhere the cranks.

Let the bond cure fully before operating the cranks. A small bead of silicone sealant around the joint adds extra stability. Replace excessively worn crank hardware if detachment issues persist.

Prevent cranks from coming loose by limiting overly forceful casement operation. Frequently lubricate hardware pivot points. Tighten any loose crank setscrews on the gear shaft.

Seal Failure Around Glass Panels

The glazing seal around CertainTeed window glass panes keeps outdoor air and moisture from infiltrating indoors. If this seal becomes compromised, drafts, leaks, and condensation can occur.

Check for any cracks, gaps, peeling, crunching, or deterioration in the seal around window panes. Also look for clouding, hazing, or discoloration which indicates seal breakdown.

Carefully run a utility knife around affected seals to remove the old glazing, being careful not to scratch the glass. Clean the glazing channel thoroughly.

Apply high quality silicone window sealant in the channel and tool smoothly. Allow a full 24 hours cure time before exposing the windows to weather or opening/closing. Damaged seals should be addressed promptly to avoid bigger problems.

Vinyl Frame Joint Cracks

CertainTeed window frames consist of molded vinyl corners and lineals that fit together and fuse at the joints. Normal expansion and contraction can cause these joints to eventually crack.

Minor frame joint cracks may not affect window operation or sealing. But more severe cracks allow outdoor air infiltration that can lead to interior condensation issues.

Start by cleaning out any loose debris or old sealant from the cracked joints with a utility knife, being careful not to scratch the vinyl. Apply ample silicone sealant deep into the cracks and tool smooth.

For large frame gaps or cracks, cut small pieces of vinyl sheeting to fit into the joints before caulking over top. This helps reinforce the repair. Monitor cracked window joints going forward to ensure the seal is holding.

Weeping Hole Clogs

Vinyl window frames have small weep holes along the bottom sill to allow moisture drainage and ventilation. When these holes get clogged with dirt, debris, caulk, or paint, it can lead to leaks, condensation, and other problems.

Annually inspect CertainTeed window weep holes and use a thin piece of wire to clear any obstructions. For stubborn clogs, try gently pressing a small nail through the openings to puncture blockages.

Avoid over-application of caulk or paint around the exterior sills to prevent weeping holes from sealing over. Maintaining open drainage holes is crucial for healthy window operation. Contact a window pro for repairs if the holes become extensively clogged or damaged.

Loose or Missing Glazing Beads

The glazing beads on CertainTeed windows help hold glass securely in place within the sash frames. If these vinyl beads become loose or fall out, it leaves glass panels more prone to shifting and outdoor air infiltration.

Check for any gaps between glass panes and inside edges of the glazing beads. Try pressing gently along the beads to feel for areas that are detached from the frame.

Use pliers to carefully snip away old caulk or sealant from loose glazing beads. Thoroughly clean the channel then apply fresh silicone caulk and insert the beads back into position, pressing firmly to adhere. Allow the caulk to fully cure before operating the windows.

For missing glazing beads, contact CertainTeed or a window contractor to source matching new beads for your window model. Carefully remove the glass pane, clean the glazing channel, install the new bead with caulk, and re-seat the glass securely.

Check other windows to identify any loose beads before they fall out. Routinely inspecting and securing beads preserves the weatherproofing around glass panes.

Loose or Detached Window Screens

Removable window screens can become loose and detached from their frame mounts over time. This allows insects and debris to enter around the edges of the screen.

Try gently bending or adjusting the screen side tabs to tighten their fit in the window track. For plastic tab corners that are cracked or degraded, apply a small dab of caulk to re-adhere them to the frame.

Badly damaged screens with mangled frames or torn screen mesh will need complete replacement. Measure the window opening carefully and purchase new screens sized accordingly from CertainTeed or a hardware store.

If window screen frames are in good shape but keep popping out, replace old tabs with new rubber gasket corners or vinyl tabs to better grip the window sash channels.

Difficult to Close and Lock Windows

Issues with CertainTeed windows becoming hard to fully close and lock usually stem from worn out or misaligned hardware. Binding window sashes and faulty locking mechanisms need maintenance.

Thoroughly clean out any debris lodged in window channels that could be obstructing closure. Confirm the window is level and plumb. Review operating instructions to ensure you are closing the sashes properly.

Apply lubricant spray to any sticky locking mechanisms and hardware pivots. Adjust loose mortise locks and tighten any fasteners. Check for any misalignments keeping the window from properly closing.

For hardware issues that persist, replacement of the weathered locksets, sweeps, and strikes may be needed. Contact a window pro for difficult sash adjustments.

Seal Failure on Insulated Glass Units

CertainTeed windows feature insulated glass with a sealed air space between two panes. When this insulating glass seal fails, it allows condensation and fogging between the panes indicating full seal breakdown.

Unfortunately seal failures cannot be repaired – the entire insulated glass unit will need replacement. CertainTeed provides warranties against seal failure for a certain number of years.

Have an inspection done promptly when you notice condensation between window panes. Get an estimate for the glass replacement work and file a warranty claim with CertainTeed if covered under the time period.

Catching glass seal issues quickly improves the chances of coverage and prevents more extensive window damage long term.

Jammed Casement Window Hinges

Vinyl casement windows rely on hinges to allow outward swinging operation. These hinges can gradually become stiff and jammed from mineral deposits, paint buildup, and general wear.

Lubricate casement hinges with silicone spray and work the window open and closed to distribute it. Check for any paint or dirt accumulation and scrape clean with a utility knife.

If mineral deposits are causing hinge sticking, soak a cloth in vinegar and lay across the hinges overnight to help dissolve hardened minerals.

For severe hinge jamming and seized operation, the hinges may need to be disassembled and cleaned thoroughly. Replace deteriorated hinge hardware as needed to restore smooth casement function.

Drafty Bottom Window Sashes

CertainTeed vinyl windows form a tight seal against outdoor airflow when locked closed. But over time, the bottom window sash can warp or sag just enough to allow cold air infiltration.

This is most common with double hung windows as the lower sash bears more weight and force when opening/closing. It allows noticeable drafts along the bottom of the window even when locked.

Try adjusting the balance mechanisms to see if that straightens the affected sash. For significant sash sagging, shim supports or sash locks can be installed to prevent drooping when closed.

In worse cases of lower sash malformation, sash replacement may be necessary. A new vinyl bottom sash installed properly with leveling and supports will resist draftiness.

Difficult to Open Single Hung Windows

Single hung CertainTeed windows should operate smoothly to open the lower sash up into the frame. But issues like off-kilter sash rollers and worn spiral balances can make them hard to open.

Start by cleaning out any debris or buildup in the sash channels then lubricating rollers and balances. Old windows may need sash lock removal to allow full operation.

Check for any obstruction or misalignment of the sash stiles in the side channels. Adjusting the counterbalance tension on spiral balances can help.

Severely seized single hung windows need sash removal to thoroughly clean and inspect components. Replacement of worn balances, pulleys, and rollers may be required by a window pro to restore function.

Holes and Damage to Window Screens

Removable window screens are vulnerable to accidental damage from things like pets, kids, and lawn care equipment. Punctures, tears, and holes in the screen mesh allow bugs inside.

Small screen holes can be patched with a specialty screen repair kit. Cut patches of fiberglass mesh a bit larger than the holes, then adhere over the openings using the kit’s clear silicone glue.

Badly damaged screens with frame damage or large torn sections will need complete replacement. Measure your window screens accurately and order new ones the exact same size.

Prevent damage by keeping screens in place during window cleaning. Carefully remove screens when storing them away for winter. Inspect for damage each spring before reinstalling.

Paint Peeling on Exterior Trim

CertainTeed windows are fully vinyl but wood window trim often needs periodic repainting. If exterior trim paint begins cracking, peeling, or blistering, moisture is likely behind adhesion issues.

Inspect trim for any gaps needing caulk repair to prevent water intrusion behind the paint. Use paint scraper and sandpaper to remove all loose paint back to solid edges.

Wipe trim with denatured alcohol then apply exterior wood primer to any bare wood. Allow it to fully dry before applying two coats of 100% acrylic latex trim paint. Match original colors.

Make sure to paint properly prepared trim during dry weather and allow adequate drying time between coats. Address any underlying moisture issues leading paint failure.


CertainTeed offers reliable, quality windows, but even the best windows can develop problems. Many issues like broken seals, foggy glass, sticking operation, and drafts happen after years of use. With regular maintenance and prompt repair of any problems, CertainTeed windows can last decades and maintain excellent performance. Alert homeowners can identify and troubleshoot minor issues before they become major. For extensive window problems beyond DIY repair, consulting a professional window installation company is recommended. They can evaluate the windows and determine proper solutions to restore and preserve your CertainTeed windows.

Ralph Wade

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