RYZE Vs. Clevr Blends: Mushrooms Meet Coffee!

Coffee and mushrooms might seem an unlikely pairing, but the combination of these two natural products is growing in popularity. Mushroom coffees claim to provide the jitter-free wakefulness of coffee along with the adaptogenic benefits of functional mushrooms like cordyceps, lion’s mane, and chaga.

Two leading mushroom coffee brands available on the market are Ryze and Clevr Blends. But with different formulations and ingredients, how do you choose between them?

 Let’s take a closer look at what each has to offer.

Mushroom Coffee Comparison

AspectsRyzeClevr Blends
Main MushroomsCordyceps, Lion’s Mane, ChagaCordyceps, Reishi
Caffeine ContentLess than 50mg per serving25mg to 95mg per serving
Flavor VarietyOriginal, Mocha, Matcha Green Tea, Golden Milk TurmericOriginal, Vanilla, Matcha, Mocha, Chai
Organic IngredientsYesYes
Adaptogen ContentProprietary blend with 8 mushroom extracts500mg to 4000mg per serving

Setting The Stage

RYZE Mushroom Coffee

First, some basics on these mushroom coffee newcomers. Founded in 2019 by holistic nutritionist Tiffany McClellan, RYZE spotlights organic coffee and adaptogen extracts.

Its dual extraction process isolates both fat and water-soluble compounds from mushrooms like cordyceps, lion’s mane and chaga.

Positioning itself as a premium product, RYZE cites clinical research backing its formulations.

Its higher price point reflects its rigorous quality standards and testing.

Shailene Woodley of Big Little Lies fame founded competitor Clevr Blends in 2019 too, albeit from an activist rather than nutrition background. Clevr emphasizes fair trade coffee and mushrooms for what they dub “provisions with purpose.”

Its five flavors lead with organic cordyceps and reishi in instant lattes touting cognitive gains. Though also positioning as premium, Clevr prices stay somewhat more accessible for wider audiences.

So in both RYZE and Clevr Blends we see science-backed startups launched by influential women. Each extols ethical sourcing and mood/mind-brightening formulations within a budding drink category.

But when comparing their offerings side by side, where do they align or diverge?

Let’s break it down.

Key Differences Between RYZE And Clevr Blends

  • Mushroom Varieties
Clevr Blends

RYZE and Clevr Blends both contain organic cordyceps in every formulation, logically given its renowned energy and focus boosting effects.

Both also sell products featuring lion’s mane, though RYZE includes it standard while Clevr Blends offers it only in select blends.

However, RYZE further incorporates exotic chaga along with a dash of ginger and cinnamon.

Its wider range of organic medicinal mushrooms helps it edge out Clevr Blend’s largely single-mushroom offerings. This better equips it to produce targeted benefits.

Winner = RYZE

  • Caffeine Content

Coffee purists look for just enough caffeine to get going without excess stimulation. RYZE again separates itself from the pack via lower caffeine content per serving, ranging from 30 to 50 milligrams. It smartly preserves coffee’s gentle lift while letting mushrooms claim the spotlight.

Clevr Blends’ wider span of 25 to 95 milligrams works for some, but may disappoint those seeking controlled caffeine. By keeping things low, RYZE better achieves the “no jitters” benefit that mushroom coffee touts.

Winner = RYZE

  • Flavor Range

Where RYZE features only Original, Mocha and Matcha Green Tea powders, Clevr Blends also offers Vanilla Chai and Dark Chocolate Mocha flavors. Its five variations hence cater better to taste preferences for sweetness, spice or cocoa.

But RYZE would counterargue that extra flavors only dilute mushroom content through added sugars. So there is a purity vs. palatability tradeoff at work. Do you crave variety or potency? We’ll score this point for Clevr based on wider appeal.

Winner = Clevr

  • Organic & Fair Trade Sourcing

Both brands deserve applause for emphasizing ethical, chemical-free mushroom and coffee harvesting. RYZE’s founder works directly with growers to specify optimal processing methods for potency.

And its packaging denotes USDA Organic, non-GMO and Fair Trade seals. However, Clevr Blends somewhat surprisingly lacks Fair Trade certification despite social responsibility being part of its tagline. So when it comes sourcing proof, RYZE again pulls slightly ahead.

Winner = RYZE

  • Adaptogen Dosages
RYZE Mushroom Coffee

Dosage transparency remains limited and confusing within the nascent mushroom coffee industry, though both RYZE and Clevr make efforts here.

RYZE discloses its proprietary mushroom blend without revealing exact gram doses.

Clevr states anywhere from 500 to 4000 milligrams of mushrooms per scoop, a vague and broad range.

So neither offers the dosage clarity seen in other nootropic supplements.

But as RYZE focuses more narrowly on three complementary mushrooms versus Clevr Blend’s fluctuating solo mushroom amounts, its formulations likely end up more optimized.

Winner = RYZE

  • Price Per Serving

As a newer niche beverage category, mushroom coffees cost more than your Folgers or Nescafé. And positioned as premium products, both RYZE and Clevr price at a premium too.

However, RYZE’s 40 serving jar retails for $55, or around $1.38 per 12oz cup. Clevr Blends sells a 30 serving bag for $20, or about $0.67 per 11oz mug.

So while RYZE undoubtedly uses higher grade ingredients, Clevr Blends’ more accessible pricing gives it advantage here. Patients on budgets or seeking introductory sampling would be wise to start with the cheaper Clevr.

Winner = Clevr

  • Availability

As a young company, RYZE mushrooms coffees currently only sell through their own website, limiting purchase options but allowing them to explain product nuances.

Clevr Blends has capitalized on founder Shailene Woodley’s star power, landing its instant lattes in retail giants like Target, Amazon and Walmart within three years.

So while RYZE offers a deeper dive into its formulations, Clevr achieves easier access for dabblers. And again, convenience matters to mainstream consumers.

Winner = Clevr

  • Texture & Mixability

Here Clevr Blends enjoys a noticeable upside over RYZE by offering instant coffee mixes rather than ground beans. Its smooth powders completely dissolve in hot water for a quicker, less gritty cup.

RYZE’s coarser coffee grounds prove harder to integrate evenly while drinking, sometimes leaving floaters. So for a quicker, smoother swig without messy clean-up or equipment, Clevr Beats RYZE hands down.

Winner = Clevr

An Apples To Apples Comparison

To summarize key head-to-head differences:

RYZE bests Clevr Blends through its:

Clevr Blends Coffee
  1. Broader organic mushroom varieties
  2. Lower caffeine content
  3. Stricter fair trade certification
  4. Smaller but potentially more balanced dosing
  5. Founder’s direct supply chain involvement

Clevr Blends outflanks RYZE via:

  1. Wider flavor range appeal
  2. More affordable per serving cost
  3. Mainstream retail availability
  4. Instant powder mixability

So in reviewing mushroom coffee showdown highlights, RYZE wins points around purity, potency and transparency. But Clevr Blends takes corners through accessibility, customization and convenience.

Who Should Drink What?

Weighing composite strengths of each brand against consumer ethnographies further informs optimal pairings.

RYZE Works Best For:

  • Ingredient purists – who insist on fully organic whole mushrooms and beans
  • Caffeine lightweights – seeking gentle clean energy without jitters
  • Supplement power users – wanting fuller transparency around sources and dosing
  • Trial run avoiders – willing to invest upfront rather than buy budget to sample
  • Texture sticklers – who don’t mind bits of grounds for full-bodied mouthfeel

Clevr Blends Suits People Who:

  • Love flavored coffee – since it offers sweetened/spiced variations
  • Seek budget options – thanks to its lower per cup cost
  • Need easy access – given broad availability in mainstream retailers
  • Demand instant convenience – owing to its fast-dissolving powder format
  • Dislike grainy drinks – because of its finely milled soluble texture

So while both brands ultimately expand and upgrade morning drink choices, RYZE clearly caters more to purist mushroom devotees. Clevr instead courts mass market sensation seekers wanting their drinks fanciful, affordable and easy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Ryze really worth it?

For hardcore mushroom fans wanting the highest content and a strongly mushroom-forward taste, Ryze provides an organic, fair-trade product with exceptional transparency around sourcing and extraction methods. So users valuing purity and potency over price will find it a worthwhile splurge. However, more casual mushroom coffee consumers may content themselves with cheaper alternatives.

Who should not drink Ryze mushroom coffee?

Some people who should exercise caution or avoid Ryze completely include:
1. Those sensitive or allergic to mushrooms.
2. People on medications where mushrooms may interfere – especially immunosuppressants, diabetes drugs, or sedatives.
3. Children or adolescents under 18.
4. Pregnant or breastfeeding women due to lack of safety research.
5. People with autoimmune disorders, given potential immune effects.

What is the highest rated mushroom coffee?

Four Sigmatic boasts itself as the #1 bestselling mushroom coffee brand. As a pioneer introducing functional mushrooms to coffee and tea, they offer the widest range of formulations backed by extensive lab testing. However, their products cost more than competitors like Ryze and Clevr Blends which offer similar organic blends.

What is similar to Ryze mushroom coffee?

Other mushroom coffee brands with strong similarities to Ryze include Real Mushrooms, Rebbl, and Freshcap. All focus on organic whole-mushroom extracts added to coffee rather than mycelium or biomass fillers. They also emphasize ethical, sustainable sourcing from trusted growers. Prices run comparable to Ryze as premium products, running $2 to $3 per serving.

The Final Verdict

RYZE and Clevr Blend both help everyday people access mushroom power through coffee convenience. But they position differently based on founder backgrounds. Nutritionist-led RYZE spotlights pristine ingredients and processes for physical enhancements.

Celebrity Shailene’s activist Clevr Blends cares more about social progress through commerce.

Still, both share an overarching commitment to ethical, sustainable production without cutting corners. And their growth demonstrates consumer openness to functional fungi. Just deciding if you crave purity or variety, potency or price sets optimal selection here.

On balance, RYZE makes the most sense for seasoned biohackers wanting ultimate quality control. Clevr rates best for sensory-driven devotees pursuing responsible indulgence.

And both beat mainstream coffee for anyone eyeing mushrooms’crosstalk benefits with caffeine. Indeed, RYZE or Clevr lets anyone energize mindfully via mycological means.

So there you have it – a detailed feature comparison declaring dual mushroom coffee victors based on personal priorities. Both brands brew up level-headed lift in landslide preference over normal joe.

But only you can finalize the better fit. Take their key contrasts under advisement while keeping budget and taste gates in mind. Then pick your preferred mushroom-charged companion to start those A.M.’s a little wiser.

Ralph Wade

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