Joey Vs. MUD\WTR: Analyzing the Natural Coffee Alternatives

For many people, coffee is an indispensable part of the morning routine. However, some are starting to reconsider their relationship with coffee due to concerns about over-caffeination, acidity, sustainability, and more.

This has given rise to a number of natural “coffee alternative” products that aim to replace your morning mug of joe with an energizing, healthy, and ethical beverage.

Two of the most popular options are Joey and MUD\WTR. But with similar formulations and messaging, it can be difficult to parse out the key differences between these coffee replacements.

Here, we’ll analyze Joey and MUD\WTR side-by-side, comparing their ingredients, health impacts, taste, cost, and other factors. Read on for the full breakdown!

A Brief Comparison Table

GoalMimic coffee taste without caffeineEnergizing, functional beverage
Caffeine Content0mgVaries, ~20mg from cacao
Key IngredientsChicory, dandelion, beets, dates, spicesCacao, mushrooms, adaptogens, spices
Flavor ProfileSmooth, chocolateyEarthy, spiced chai
Cost Per Serving$1$1
Sustainability PracticesOrganic plants, sustainable harvestingRainforest Alliance cacao, fair trade spices
Potential Health BenefitsIncreased energy, digestion, antioxidantsImmunity, inflammation, focus, sleep

Overview of Joey and MUD\WTR

First, let’s level-set on what exactly Joey and MUD\WTR actually are:

Joey Natural Coffee
  • Joey is an organic coffee alternative made from plants like dandelion, chicory, and beetroot. It’s naturally caffeine-free and aims to provide a similar ritual to coffee with a smooth, robust flavor.
  • MUD\WTR, meanwhile, is a blend of cacao, masala chai spices, and adaptogenic mushrooms and herbs. It does contain some natural caffeine from the cacao but markets itself as an energizing, functional beverage.

So while both can work as morning coffee replacements, Joey is focused more on replicating the taste and ritual of coffee while avoiding caffeine and acidity.

MUD\WTR leans into the energy and performance angle, using ingredients like cordyceps and reishi for anti-inflammatory benefits and sustained energy without the caffeine spike and crash.

Ingredients & Nutrition Profile Comparison

When comparing products like Joey and MUD\WTR, ingredients are hugely important – after all, you’re putting this stuff in your body every day!

Here’s a breakdown of the core ingredients in each blend:

Joey contains:

  • Chicory root
  • Dandelion root
  • Beetroot
  • Date seed
  • Cinnamon
  • Sea salt
  • Black pepper
  • Ginger root
  • Natural flavors

MUD\WTR is made up of:

MUD\WTR Masala Chai
  • Cacao
  • Chaga mushroom
  • Cordyceps
  • Reishi
  • Cinnamon
  • Turmeric
  • Sea salt
  • Ginger
  • Cardamom
  • Nutmeg
  • Cloves

You’ll notice some crossover with spices like ginger and cinnamon. However, Joey opts for roots and fruits while MUD\WTR packs in the mushrooms and superfoods.

Interms of macronutrients, Joey provides 30 calories, 4g of sugar, and 0g of protein per serving. MUD\WTR has roughly 60 calories, 7g of sugar, and 1g of protein.

So Joey offers a slightly “cleaner” nutritional panel. But with the adaptogens, mushrooms, and cacao, MUD\WTR may provide additional functional benefits. More details on the potential health impacts next.

Potential Health Benefits

Assessing the potential functional and health benefits of these natural coffee alternatives gets more complex. Since Joey and MUD\WTR don’t contain coffee, they avoid issues like over-caffeination, acidity, and the dreaded caffeine crash.

But beyond just not being coffee, the specific natural ingredients may also offer additional perks:

Joey’s ingredients may:

  • Increase energy and focus from dandelion and chicory root
  • Improve digestion with dandelion and ginger
  • Provide antioxidants from beetroot and spices
  • Support heart health via the nitrates in beetroot

MUD\WTR’s adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms can potentially:

  • Boost immunity and resilience
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Increase focus and mental clarity
  • Support energy, sleep, mood, and more

However, more research is still needed to validate and quantify many of these benefits. The effects can also vary dramatically person by person based on factors like genetics, diet, lifestyle and more. So take any claims of functional benefits with a grain of salt.

That said, both Joey and MUD\WTR should be largely healthy, ethical options compared to traditional coffee. But MUD\WTR does play up the benefits angle more directly in their messaging.

Taste & Texture

So these natural coffee alternatives may provide some upgrades for health. But will you actually enjoy drinking them on a daily basis?

Flavor and texture preferences will always come down to individual tastes. However, Joey and MUD\WTR take slightly different approaches:

Joey aims to mimic the smooth, chocolatey taste of coffee by using ingredients like carob, dates, and spices. Many reviewers say it provides a very convincing and pleasant coffee-like flavor without any bitterness. The texture is also thicker and richer than coffee.

MUD\WTR doesn’t try to replicate coffee as directly. Instead, it markets itself as an earthy, spice-forward chai-inspired blend. It uses seriously delicious ingredients: fair-trade cacao and a masala blend with turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and more.

So while Joey might appeal more directly to black coffee drinkers, MUD\WTR’s unique flavor profile brings something totally new to the table.

Most reviewers find both blends to taste great and refreshing. So it’s more about deciding if you want that direct coffee mimicry or not!

Cost Analysis

One barrier for many folks looking to switch from coffee to a potentially healthier alternative is cost. Both Joey and MUD\WTR require more exotic ingredients that make them pricier than your typical bag of coffee grounds. But how exactly do the costs stack up?

Joey breaks down to:

  • $1 per serving
  • $30 for a 30 serving tin
  • $90 for a 90 serving stash

MUD\WTR’s per-serving cost is:

  • About $1 per 10oz latte-style drink
  • $1.50 for a 14 serving travel stick
  • $6 for 10 sticks (140 servings)
  • $60 for a 30-serving tin

So in terms of bulk cost, Joey comes out very slightly cheaper per serving. But both offer subscriptions and bundling that reduces average cost over time. Considering ingredients and sustainability initiatives, these costs feel fair compared to specialty coffee shops for example.

The bottom line: both Joey and MUD come out to around $1 per tasty, nutritious serving so the costs should be reasonable for most. But you’re still paying a premium over mass-market coffee.

Sustainability & Ethics

With specialty beverage brands, many consumers also have questions around sustainability and ethical sourcing nowadays.

Joey uses mostly simple, whole-food plants and spices for a relatively short ingredients list compared to many trendy health drinks. Their ingredients are certified USDA organic and the dandelion/chicory blend is sourced via sustainable harvest practices.

MUD\WTR Masala Chai
MUD\WTR Masala Chai

MUD\WTR goes deep on sustainability as a core part of their messaging.

All of their cacao is Rainforest Alliance certified while many of their exotic herbs and mushrooms are wild-harvested by indigenous tribes.

These foraging partnerships ensure fair wages while preventing overharvesting.

So both brands appear to prioritize ethical sourcing and sustainability compared to mainstream coffee. Joey keeps is simple with organic plants while MUD\WTR invests heavily in trustworthy mushroom and superfood supply chains.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is MUD\WTR actually healthy?

MUD\WTR’s blend of functional mushrooms and antioxidant-rich spices do indicate some serious health potential. Many of the ingredients like cordyceps, chaga, and reishi have shown positive impacts on immunity, gut health, inflammation, focus, and more in emerging research. Cacao and spices like turmeric also pack a nutritional punch.
However, the mainstream medical community still considers many of these benefits unproven pending further research. As with any supplement, effects can also vary dramatically person-to-person based on factors like genetics and lifestyle. So healthy individuals should feel comfortable experimenting with MUD\WTR, but manage expectations around quantifiable results.

Is Joey drink good for you?

While Joey avoids hardcore health claims, its simple whole-food ingredients do provide some tangible nutritional and health upside compared to coffee. Benefits may include increased focus/energy from dandelion/chicory root, antioxidant content from beets and spices, digestive support from dandelion and ginger, and more.
So yes, Joey is likely a healthy coffee alternative for most people. Just don’t expect the same level of functional benefits as a more exotic supplement-style blend like MUD\WTR. But many people may find Joey’s balanced approach even more sustainable long-term for supporting general health.

Which is better: MUD\WTR or ryze?

RYZE is another mushroom coffee blend gaining some popularity alongside MUD\WTR. The core ingredients are similar – various mushrooms like cordyceps, chaga and lion’s mane plus cacao and adaptogenic herbs.
In terms of health benefits and safety, MUD\WTR and RYZE should be fairly comparable. Both load up on science-backed adaptogens and antioxidants within mostly reasonable dosages.
The biggest differences come down to taste and cost. MUD\WTR leans more heavily into spiced chai flavor using ingredients like cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, etc. RYZE doesn’t use quite as many spices, opting instead for a bittersweet flavor from the cacao and mushrooms.
In terms of cost, MUD\WTR clocks in at around $1 per serving while RYZE is closer to $1.50 on average. So MUD\WTR may be more affordable long-term, though both offer subscription bundling.
For most people the taste preference and budget will drive the decision between these two very similar mushroom coffee brands. Check out both flavor profiles and pricing tiers to decide what works best for your needs!

Why does MUD\WTR have a Prop 65 warning?

MUD\WTR’s products feature a Prop 65 warning about the cacao ingredients being linked to heavy metals exposure. Prop 65 relates to a California law requiring labels to warn consumers about excessive exposure to certain chemicals tied to cancer, birth defects or other health impacts.
The amount of cadmium and lead found in MUD\WTR products is likely minimal, and these metals occur naturally in many plant-based foods. All chocolate and cocoa products contain cadmium and lead at safe levels. Still, the Prop 65 label is an abundance of caution to inform consumers about trace exposures.
MUD\WTR claims their cacao supply chain sources from farms with strict quality standards to minimize metal contamination. The relatively small serving sizes (10-14 grams) also limit exposure compared to larger chocolate bars.
So while it’s unclear whether MUD\WTR’s cadmium/lead levels are meaningfully dangerous, those wanting to limit metal intake may opt for cacao-free alternatives. But for most people, the amazing health benefits of cacao likely outweigh the small heavy metal risk.

Closing Remarks

So where does all this data leave us? Should you ditch your current coffee routine for Joey or MUD\WTR?

For those looking specifically to mimic coffee’s taste profile without the caffeine and acidity, Joey seems to be a home run. Reviewers rave about the chocolatey, smooth flavor and many say they enjoy it even more than regular coffee.

The simpler ingredients and practice of avoiding extraneous health claims is also nice to see from a beverage startup nowadays.

MUD\WTR, on the other hand, leans harder into the productivity hack, functional beverage angle. The adaptogenic mushrooms and spices provide apunchier, more unique profile compared to Joey.

So for folks looking for mood/focus/energy benefits beyond caffeine, MUD\WTR fills that niche nicely. They also invest heavily into supply chain ethics and sustainability.

Ultimately there’s a lot to like about both of these natural coffee alternatives. Choosing between them comes down to your taste preferences and health priorities.

Joey provides an extremely coffee-like experience while MUD\WTR goes for bolder functional benefits. Both make excellent additions to your morning routine as ethical, healthy coffee alternatives – so you really can’t go wrong!

Ralph Wade

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One thought on “Joey Vs. MUD\WTR: Analyzing the Natural Coffee Alternatives

  1. I am trying to decide between the two drinks you are comparing in this article. I can not take your writing seriously though since you leave out Ashwagandha, Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, and L-Theanine from Joey’s ingredient list. This just sounds like you are trying to get people to drink mud/wtr. Did they pay you to write this? You have no integrity since you were willing to completely lie about one of the drinks you were discussing.

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