Beyond Brew Coffee Alternatives: Are They Any Good?

Beyond Brew has made a name for itself in recent years as a popular mushroom coffee blend. It consists of organic coffee beans blended with various mushroom extracts like lion’s mane, cordyceps, and chaga.

This unique combination sets it apart from traditional coffee and provides additional health benefits beyond just a caffeine boost. However, Beyond Brew is not the only player in this emerging category of functional mushroom coffee products.

Several other brands offer similar mushroom-infused coffee blends that aim to elevate your morning routine. This article explores some noteworthy Beyond Brew alternatives, delving into the pros and cons of each.

Alternatives To Beyond Brew Coffee

Here is a list of its competitors:

  • Four Sigmatic Ground Mushroom Coffee
  • Real Mushrooms Mushroom Coffee
  • Rebbl Reishi Mushroom Elixirs
  • Joey Mushroom Coffee
  • Buddha Teas Mushroom Coffee Blend
  • Laird Superfood Instafuel
  • Jiva Organics Go Mushroom Coffee
  • RYZE Mushroom Coffee

Let’s elaborate them in detail:

Four Sigmatic Ground Mushroom Coffee

Four Sigmatic is likely Beyond Brew’s biggest competitor in the mushroom coffee space. As a seasoned leader in the functional mushroom market, Four Sigmatic has taken their expertise with medicinal mushrooms and applied it to coffee blends.

Their signature Ground Mushroom Coffee uses a base of organic fair trade coffee beans and infuses them with lion’s mane and chaga mushroom extracts.


Four Sigmatic Ground Mushroom Coffee
  • High quality fair trade coffee beans
  • Rich flavor with notes of chocolate and cherry
  • Natural energy and focus from mushrooms
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits
  • Ethically and sustainably sourced ingredients


  • Only contains two mushroom varieties
  • Slightly more expensive than Beyond Brew
  • May sell out frequently due to popularity

While Four Sigmatic offers less mushroom variety compared to Beyond Brew, their smooth flavor and ethical sourcing make up for it. Those seeking mushroom coffee primarily for the health perks may find this a satisfactory Beyond Brew alternative.

Real Mushrooms Mushroom Coffee

Employing the same concept as Beyond Brew, Real Mushrooms Mushroom Coffee incorporates several organic mushroom extracts into a custom coffee blend. Cordyceps, lion’s mane, chaga and reishi are used for their immune-boosting and brain-enhancing abilities.


  • Wider assortment of mushrooms than many competitors
  • USDA certified organic and kosher
  • Non-GMO verified ingredients
  • Reasonably priced for a mushroom coffee


  • Flavor and quality of coffee beans not quite as refined
  • Contains natural vanilla flavor not suited for purists
  • Smaller packaging only

Real Mushrooms offers noteworthy mushroom diversity lacking in some alternatives like Four Sigmatic. If seeking maximum immune and brain benefits, this Beyond Brew competitor has you covered mushroom-wise. Though it falls slightly short on flavor and coffee quality.


MUD\WTR instantly stands out from the mushroom coffee crowd with their cacao-based blend Sans caffeine or actual coffee. They utilize masala chai spices along with functional mushrooms like chaga, cordyceps and reishi. The unique combo provides alertness sans jitters.


MUD\WTR Masala Chai
  • caffeine-free alternative to coffee
  • Delicious flavor like warm chocolate spice tea
  • Sustainably sourced functional mushrooms
  • Includes adaptogenic herbs and spices


  • Lacks actual coffee unlike most competitors
  • Higher price per serving
  • Flavor too radical of departure for strict coffee fans

If looking to replace coffee entirely, MUD\WTR becomes an intriguing Beyond Brew contender.

The masala chai spices and cacao offer sustained energy without caffeine crash. But the loss of coffee flavor makes it too radical for strict coffee purists.

Rebbl Reishi Mushroom Elixirs

departure from the previous powder-based mushroom coffee blends, Rebbl offers ready-to-drink canned Reishi Mushroom Elixirs. They combine fair trade coffee with reishi mushroom extract plus other herbs like cocoa and vanilla bean.


  • Convenient canned format, perfect for on-the-go
  • Balanced coffee flavor with hints of mocha
  • Only uses organic or fair trade ingredients
  • Sweetened with stevia instead of sugar


  • Lacks the variety of mushroom extracts found in Beyond Brew
  • Only one fixed flavor option available
  • More expensive per serving compared to grounds

While not a direct mushroom coffee competitor, Rebbl Reishi Elixirs provide a delightful canned twist. The reishi offers similar adaptogenic qualities to lion’s mane or cordyceps. Though you miss out on the additional mushroom varieties found in Beyond Brew.

Joey Mushroom Coffee

The aptly named Joey Mushroom Coffee incorporates three powerful adaptogenic mushrooms into smooth coffee with benefits. Their blend includes familiar varieties like lion’s mane and cordyceps plus the unique addition of royal sun agaricus.


Joey Coffee
  • Great smooth flavor easily mixable
  • Contains rare royal sun mushroom
  • Provides mental clarity and productivity
  • Non-habit forming for sporadic use


  • Only available in instant mix form
  • Agaricus mushrooms still being researched
  • Higher price for just 10 servings

Joey makes for simple and beneficial mushroom coffee perfect for infrequent use.

The inclusion of royal sun agaricus provides a unique point difference, though its effects require more research. But great taste and smooth energy promote it as a worthy Beyond Brew occasional alternative.

Buddha Teas Mushroom Coffee Blend

Buddha Teas approach mushroom coffee by blending regular coffee grounds with powdered cordyceps mushrooms. The simplicity of two ingredients allows the flavors to shine through. Buddha Teas also emphasizes sustainable sourcing using organic and non-GMO verified components.


  • Simple two ingredient blend
  • Certified organic and non-GMO
  • Includes 2000mg of cordyceps per serving
  • Very affordable cost


  • Only contains one mushroom variety
  • Coffee quality not as premium tasting
  • Have to brew yourself unlike canned options

Buddha Teas provides a budget-friendly way to experience mushroom coffee. You still benefit from the focus and energy boost of cordyceps without overwhelming flavors. But the compromise comes from lower quality coffee and lack of additional mushroom extracts found in Beyond Brew.

Laird Superfood Instafuel

The appropriately named Instafuel from Laird Superfood provides a swift coffee pick-me-up blended with functional mushrooms. It uniquely includes hydrating coconut water powder along with organic coffee and a combination of cordyceps and lion’s mane.


Laird Superfood Instafuel
  • Tasty coffee flavor with natural sweetness
  • Contains coconut water for added hydration
  • Provides sustained energy, clarity and focus
  • Virtually sugar free


  • Higher price point per ounce
  • Coconut flavor not for everyone
  • Contains less mushroom content than some alternatives

Laird Superfood Instafuel sets itself apart with signature coconut water addition not found in other mushroom coffee blends, providing a hydration boost alongside clean energy. The blend of cordyceps and lion’s mane offers cognitive support, though not quite as much mushroom power as Beyond Brew.

Jiva Organics Go Mushroom Coffee

Jiva Organics enter the mushroom coffee market with Go Mushroom Coffee, combining conventional coffee with a mushroom blend including cordyceps, lion’s mane and chaga. The simplicity of the mix allows the nuances of the coffee to shine while still benefiting from the functional mushrooms.


  • Smooth tasting medium roast coffee
  • Includes three powerful mushroom varieties
  • Certified USDA organic
  • Five percent of profits donated to charity


  • Coffee quality slightly lacking complexity
  • Only available in larger 1 pound bags
  • Have to brew yourself, no ready to drink cans

Jiva Organics Go Mushroom offers a pleasant mushroom-infused coffee backed by an admirable social mission. While the brew lacks in sophistication, the inclusion of cordyceps, lion’s mane, and chaga provide noticeable cognitive and physical benefits.

RYZE Mushroom Coffee

RYZE enters the functional mushroom coffee space with a convenient instant mix. Their mushroom blend contains lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi and chaga extracts alongside fair trade coffee, cocoa, and spice flavors.


RYZE Mushroom Coffee
  • Easy to use instant packets
  • Includes adaptogenic mushrooms
  • Supports productivity, clarity and wellness
  • Contains antioxidants and nutrients


  • Lower coffee content than some blends
  • Flavor appeals more towards spice than coffee
  • Only available in instant form

For those seeking effortless mushroom coffee on-the-go, RYZE makes an appealing option. The combination of Cordyceps and lion’s mane provide noticeable energy and cognitive benefits. Though the flavor tilts more towards spice and cocoa than actual coffee taste.

What Sets Beyond Brew Apart?

After covering several viable Beyond Brew alternatives, what allows Beyond Brew to stand out in an increasingly crowded mushroom coffee market? Beyond Brew differentiates itself in a few key ways:

  • Proprietary Medicinal Mushroom Blend – Beyond Brew utilizes five different mushroom extracts chosen carefully for synergistic benefits: lion’s mane, cordyceps, chaga, reishi and shiitake. This sets them apart with both variety and potency.
  • Flavor and Coffee Quality – Starting with premium light roast coffee beans, Beyond Brew perfects a smooth flavor augmented by mushrooms but not overpowered. Many alternatives falter by weakening coffee taste.
  • Convenience – Available in both ground and convenient to-go stick packs, Beyond Brew offers ease and accessibility. Canned options provide ready-to-drink simplicity, though no competitors encapsulate Beyond Brew’s full mushroom characteristics effectively.
  • Brand Mission – Beyond Brew strives for sustainability using compostable materials, funding eco-projects, and donating surplus food. This appeal towards conscious consumers attracts loyal fans.

In the emerging world of mushroom-infused coffee, Beyond Brew manages to lead the pack by maximizing both function and flavor. Their pursuit of quality and sustainability cement them as a leader now and into the future.

While several viable contenders exist, none offer the same complete package.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Get answers to some common questions about Beyond Brew and mushroom coffee blends below.

What is the downside of mushroom coffee?

There are very few downsides to mushroom coffee blends when consumed in moderation. The added mushrooms provide a range of health benefits with few negatives. The only concerns would come from overconsumption. Consuming high caffeine levels daily long-term can interfere with sleep or cause anxiety in some. Also excess mushroom intake could potentially interact negatively with certain medications, so check with your doctor.

What are the ingredients in Beyond Brew coffee?

Beyond Brew incorporates several mushroom extracts into a custom light roast organic coffee blend:
1. Chaga mushroom powder
2. Cordyceps mushroom powder
3. Lion’s mane mushroom powder
4. Reishi mushroom powder
5. Shiitake mushroom powder

What are the benefits of Beyond Brew?

As a complete mushroom coffee blend, Beyond Brew offers both physical and mental performance benefits:
1. Sustained energy, stamina and athletic performance from cordyceps
2. Memory, focus, concentration from lion’s mane
3. Immune defense against sickness from chaga and reishi
4. Antioxidant protection helping future-proof your health
5. Low bitterness, high flavor from premium coffee beans

Does Beyond Brew contain stevia?

No, Beyond Brew does not contain any added sweeteners like sugar, stevia, etc. It relies on high quality coffee beans and functional mushrooms for a lightly sweetened flavor. Some competitors add stevia or alternative natural sweeteners but Beyond Brew avoids any additives.

Final Thoughts

In closing, the mushroom coffee market continues expanding as consumers seek functional beverages that do more than just provide caffeine. Beyond Brew stands at the forefront of this trend with their diverse blend and sustainability mission.

While competitors like Four Sigmatic, MUD\WTR, and Joey Mushroom Coffee offer intriguing alternatives, Beyond Brew’s proprietary mushroom mix, flavor balance, and ethical sourcing provide key advantages.

Their ability to maximize both energy boost and overall wellness in a tasty coffee format ensures their positioning as an industry leader.

No singular mushroom coffee brands checks every box. But with unparalleled variety and drinkability, Beyond Brew satisfies more users’ needs and preferences. Their constant innovation ensures no competitor offers a clearly superior product meeting today’s consumer demands.

Ralph Wade

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