Bell + Howell Bug Repeller Reviews: Is It Worth It?

When it comes to dealing with pests, many of us are looking for a solution that’s easy, efficient, and non-toxic. That’s where devices like the Bell + Howell bug repeller come into play.

I’ve taken a closer look at these gadgets to give you a thorough understanding of what they offer, their strengths, and their weaknesses. We’ll also compare them with other brands and explore some maintenance tips.

Let’s get into it and see if these devices live up to the hype.

My Experience With Bell + Howell Bug Repeller

Bell + Howell Pest Repeller

Let me share my personal journey with the Bell + Howell bug repeller. When I first heard about it, I was intrigued by the idea of a simple plug-in device that could keep pests at bay without the need for toxic chemicals or messy traps.

As someone who prefers eco-friendly and non-invasive solutions, it seemed like a perfect fit.

  • Initial Impressions

The first thing I noticed when I unboxed the Bell + Howell bug repeller was its compact design. It’s small and discreet, blending in easily with any room’s decor. Setting it up was a breeze – I just plugged it into an outlet in my living room, one of the areas where I had noticed a few creepy crawlers.

Observing the Pros

Over the next few weeks, I started to observe some of the promised benefits of the device.

  • Non-Toxic and Safe

One of the standout features of the Bell + Howell bug repeller is its safety profile. With kids and pets around, I was always cautious about using chemical sprays or baits. The ultrasonic waves from this device are harmless to humans and pets, which gave me peace of mind. I didn’t have to worry about accidental poisonings or harmful residues left behind.

  • Ease of Use

The ease of use was another major plus for me. I didn’t need to follow any complicated instructions or perform regular maintenance. I simply plugged it in and let it do its job. This convenience cannot be overstated, especially for someone with a busy schedule. I didn’t have to remember to replace baits or clean up traps.

  • Silent Operation

Another aspect I appreciated was the silent operation. Unlike some pest control gadgets that buzz or emit noticeable sounds, the Bell + Howell bug repeller is virtually silent. This was particularly important for me because I didn’t want any disruptions to my day-to-day life or sleep. It’s easy to forget it’s even there.

Initial Results

In the first week, I didn’t notice any significant change, but I reminded myself that these things can take time. By the second week, I began to see fewer insects in my living room. It wasn’t an overnight transformation, but there was a gradual decrease in the number of pests. This gave me some hope that the device was working.


However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Here are some of the drawbacks I’ve noticed.

  1. Effectiveness is Questionable: Many users report mixed results. While some say it worked wonders for them, others found it to be completely ineffective. This inconsistency makes it hard to recommend wholeheartedly.
  2. Limited Range: The ultrasonic waves only cover a specific area, meaning you’ll need multiple units for larger spaces, which can add up in cost.
  3. Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution: Different pests react differently. For instance, these repellers are generally not effective against bed bugs, and their impact on other insects can vary.

How To Use the Bell + Howell Bug Repeller For Optimal Results?

To get the best out of your Bell + Howell bug repeller, there are a few key steps and strategies you can follow. Having used it myself, I’ve learned some tips and tricks that can help maximize its effectiveness.

Choosing the Right Location

Where to Place It

The placement of the bug repeller is crucial. To ensure the ultrasonic waves cover the maximum area:

Bell and Howell Bug Repeller
  • Plug it into a central outlet: Ideally, choose an outlet that is in the center of the room or area where you’ve noticed the most pest activity.
  • Avoid obstructions: Make sure the device is not blocked by furniture, curtains, or other objects. Ultrasonic waves travel in a straight line and can be obstructed by barriers.
  • Elevate if possible: If you can, plug it into an outlet that is at least a few feet off the ground. This helps the sound waves disperse more effectively across the room.

Using Multiple Units

Covering Larger Areas

If you have a larger home or multiple problem areas, one unit may not be enough. Here’s what you can do:

  • Multiple units for multiple rooms: Place one unit in each room where pests are a problem. This ensures coverage throughout your home.
  • Stagger the placement: In larger rooms or open floor plans, consider placing two units at opposite ends of the space to cover the entire area more effectively.

Consistent Use

Keeping It Plugged In

For the Bell + Howell bug repeller to work effectively, it needs to be plugged in continuously:

  • Continuous operation: Don’t unplug the device when you think the pests are gone. Keeping it plugged in ensures that new pests don’t move in.
  • Patience is key: It might take a few weeks to see significant results, so give it time to work.

Regular Maintenance

Keeping the Device Clean

While the device doesn’t require much maintenance, a little upkeep can ensure it continues to work well:

  • Dust regularly: Dust and debris can interfere with the ultrasonic waves. Wipe the device with a dry cloth periodically.
  • Check the indicator light: Some models have an indicator light to show they are working. If the light goes out, it might need to be replaced.

Strategic Positioning

Target Specific Pests

Different pests have different habits, and positioning the device accordingly can help:

  • Near entry points: Place the device near doors, windows, or other entry points where pests are likely to come in.
  • Close to known nesting areas: If you know where pests are nesting or hiding, place the repeller close to those areas for more targeted effectiveness.

Combining with Other Methods

Integrated Pest Management

While the Bell + Howell bug repeller can be effective, using it as part of a broader pest management strategy can enhance results:

  • Cleanliness: Keep your home clean and free of food crumbs and garbage that can attract pests.
  • Sealing entry points: Seal cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and walls to prevent pests from entering.
  • Regular inspections: Regularly inspect your home for signs of pests and take action early.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Tracking Results

Keep an eye on pest activity to determine the effectiveness of the device:

  • Log pest sightings: Note down when and where you see pests. Over time, you should see a reduction.
  • Adjust placement if needed: If you’re not seeing results, try moving the device to a different location or adding additional units.

Comparing Bell + Howell With Other Brands

To give you a better perspective, let’s compare the Bell + Howell bug repeller with a few other brands.

  • Bell + Howell Vs. Riddex

Riddex offers a similar product that also uses ultrasonic technology. However, Riddex includes additional electromagnetic features that Bell + Howell does not. Users have reported better results with Riddex, especially in multi-story homes where pests can hide in walls.

  • Bell + Howell Vs. Pest Reject

Pest Reject is another popular brand. It also uses a combination of ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves. Many users have found Pest Reject to be more effective, especially for larger infestations. However, it’s also typically more expensive than Bell + Howell.

  • Bell + Howell Vs. Neatmaster

Neatmaster provides a three-mode operation (green, blue, and red) targeting different types of pests. This allows for a more tailored approach compared to the one-size-fits-all method of Bell + Howell. Users often praise Neatmaster for its versatility and effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do ultrasonic bug repellers really work?

This is the million-dollar question. The answer is: it depends. While some users report success, others see no change. Factors like the type of pest, the severity of the infestation, and the layout of your home can all impact effectiveness.

How does Bell + Howell pest repeller work?

The Bell + Howell pest repeller works by emitting ultrasonic sound waves that are supposed to irritate and drive away pests. These sounds are inaudible to humans and most pets but can be highly annoying to pests.

Does the Bell + Howell pest repeller work for bed bugs?

No, the Bell + Howell pest repeller is generally not effective against bed bugs. Bed bugs are highly resistant to ultrasonic frequencies, and other methods are typically required to deal with them.

What are the side effects of ultrasonic pest repeller?

Ultrasonic pest repellers are generally safe for humans and pets. However, pets like hamsters and other small rodents might be affected. Additionally, some users have reported hearing a slight buzzing sound, although this is rare.

Wrapping Up

So, what’s the verdict on the Bell + Howell bug repeller?

From my experience and extensive research, it’s clear that while the concept is promising, the results are highly variable. If you’re looking for a non-toxic, easy-to-use solution, it might be worth a try.

However, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t perform miracles. Consider it as part of a broader pest control strategy rather than a standalone solution. Remember, you and I deserve a pest-free home, but sometimes, it takes a bit more than just plugging in a device.

Ralph Wade

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